Comments: Jesus save me from your followers

The Bible and all of Shakespeare's plays were written by monkeys. I read it in the "The Weekly World News", THE TRUE NEWSPAPER OF THE AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL ELITE.

The theory is that if you put enough monkeys in front of enough comuputers for long enough, eventually one of them will write the Bible. Probability and Statistics, I guess. Kind of like the odds of winning the lottery. Eventually someone's got to win.

I also read that a freaky, little half-bat and half-boy, named "BAT BOY", defused a terrorist explosive on a commercial jet by urinating on it. I also read "BAT BOY" was an Al Gore supporter.

"WWW" should be mandatory reading at all Ivy League universities!!!

Posted by Jim H. at August 30, 2005 11:19 PM

Actually, thats a fallacious argument (about the monkeys) - so let me debunk it.

How long have you owned your current PC? How many times have you had to reinstall the OS?

The answer to those two questions guarantees that even if monkeys were immortal or in infinite supply, the bible would still not get written. Furthermore, even if (by some coincidence) the bible was written, the average ISP would have disconnected the monkeys for excessive P2P downloads in the interim (something that a whole lot of monkeys indulge in even as I write this).

This proves the Bible could not have been written by monkeys.

Posted by maxx at September 8, 2005 05:56 PM